Bracing against the wind of stereotypes and restrictions,
Grimacing as the storm whips away at my face and strangles my body.
Lost in a solitary existence deep in the belly of a starving world,
My mind becomes my home and my home becomes everything.
Empty darkness exists at first, and the howl of the wind becomes my music.
My mentality is a car, and long ago the conditions of my life became a knife.
Slicing cleanly through the brakes, causing my car to skid off cliff marked Sanity.
Dancing to the howling, I pray for the coming of light, so I can finally identify.
Dizzy from insanity, I fall to the floor of my mind and crawl naked in the darkness.
The more I crawl, the more fatigued I grow and soon I began to wonder if crawling helps.
The only thought that occupies my mind is if crawling is the answer, so I stop.
With me, comes the entire world, and redundancy is born a screaming child.
Absent from all the light, there I sit and contemplate my next move.
In my mind's mind I picture a chessboard, I am but a Pawn surround by Knights.
Up ahead, I see the freedom, yet that which lies directly in front obscures the view.
All that matters is getting ahead, so I can reach the end, and become anything I wish.
Frustration ensues and all the pieces fly across the room from a rogue hand.
Together they all bounce across the floor, and gather in a heap in an empty corner.
The pawn is surrounded once again, yet this time, nothing governs its moves.
New ambitions and goals spark up the furnace and a passion made of fire is lit.
Doubt comes flying into the window of opportunity, a succubus destroying the dreams.
A plague, a pollution, every aspiration is poisoned and falls lifelessly to the ground.
The seed that had been planted in hope shrivels up and defies the ability to grow.
Woken in a pool of fear, the victim of the nightmare becomes lost and confused.
Back to point one, I sit in the same spot in my mental room.
The world rotates circular, so if I sit still, life will eventually pass me up, yet return.
Fuzzy logic creeps over my mind like a sea fog, and my lighthouse is broke.
I use my methods of thinking as radar and maps, hoping to God that they are valid.
I clear out the fog by imagining a sun in my mind, and soon everything is gone.
The wind is gone, the chessboard is gone, all of it, I am completely alone.
I sit, and listen, concentrating on anything that gives me hope and happiness.
Finally an epiphany occurs as the sound of beating fills my mind.
Metaphorical light of clarity becomes literal light shinning down into my room.
The room begins to take shape around me and a red color fills the eyes.
All this time I had existed not in my mind, as I had been blindly led to believe,
I had been living in my heart, acting through my heart, feeling through my heart.
The beauty that exits in this place brings tears to my eyes as the light glimmers of them,
A swell of emotions overcomes my body and I cry for everything I have just learned.
The room that I had never seen suddenly has a face, and its angelic and innocent.
I am back to my adolescences as I fall deep in love at first sight of raw splendor
My mind, thought to be my most powerful feature, became a shadow to my heart.
My heart controls everything; my heart is where my thoughts reside.
Deep within my heart, my child lays his head to rest as he dreams of the future.
Logical thinking ruled by facts no longer exists, as everything contains emotion.
Stunned by this sudden revelation I fight to process what I have just learned.
A form of culture shock sets in as numbly wrestle with what has just changed.
Has anything changed, or has this always been the way and I just found out?
Does this change anything I will do, or will my actions always be the same?
The pursuit of happiness, of freedom, of love, of knowledge becomes the goals.
Superficial needs melt away from the light of this new information.
Everything seems as if it will be easier from now on, and my life is clearer.
For a few moments in my life, I am euphoric and content.
Short lived as bad joke; the demons born from my doubts come to destroy.
Running around they act as a misguided youth, reeking anarchy.
Through their actions I grow angry, and the passion that existed rises into a rage.
Why does this always have to happen, at the moment I am so close!
I always come this close, to the edge of an overhang, looking over at a utopia.
A civilization shrouded in mystery, the key to unlocking its door a price I can't pay.
Until the day I can conquer everything that exists inside me, I will never open that door.
I will never be able to close my eyes, and run off that cliff, diving into the golden sea.
I will trek on, with my heart being my lantern, shinning new light on everything.
I will continue to crawl, hoping to reach the end, or optimistically, reach the beginning.
I will hope that I can raise the courage from the dead, and become my own mythical hero.
I will continue to keep the images of the utopia in my mind, to surpass my own extinction