Death Drives
Unyielding to laws set to His slaves; He speeds through the neighborhood roads of my battered mind. Unrestricted this immature over grown child plays a wicked game of chicken with my soul. I can tell when this demon is nearing me. The liquid in my mouth retreats, I choke on cotton. My field of vision suddenly closes on me to a pinpoint, and I rip away the invisible sheets. My hands turn into a formed liquid substance and I watch as my grip slides off everything in sight. I watch as the ice forms below my feet, glistening of the fear that radiates from my electric body. I watch it slowly form into a pool around my legs, rising as steadily as an oncoming tide. Liquid gray, metallic subsurface, it sloshes around my legs numbing everything. A hungry shark it becomes, slowly changing ever so elegantly and beautifully into a predator to consume my body. It dives into itself, and a fin replaces it. The fin circles my body, its prey; it is the signifying moment that my fear has taken over. The little rogue defiant light that wanders blindly into this crooked room bounces off the fin and retreats to wherever sunny atmosphere it came from. Yet before the light can fully run away, the pool around me stops its current rise of terror, and stops. With cocky assurance, the pool waits till it has fully settled, then rings begin to slowly rise from middle, then slowly widen until they are broken against the walls. The rings repeat and repeat until the entire pool is riddled with them and resembles nothing more than a million circles around each other. Something rises from the middle, and an object resembling a mouth and hand stretches out. It reaches into the air with hawk speed, and nabs the light before it can dash out a promising crack. With methodical, diabolical fierceness, it closes tightly around the light and devours it. A cry heard only by deaf ears is the only thing to escape, and then, darkness conquers the room. Sight lost, hearing and feeling are the only senses left to me. I know He is still coming, I can feel it. The pool is rising, rising quickly. Slowly my lower body is numb and I can feel my lungs threatening to stop. A thousand bricks lay upon my chest, and I am losing my strength every second. Suddenly my lungs can no longer expand and I feel the icy death rise to the occasion. I feel the cold tongue of fear sliding up my chest, it is alive, a serpent sent by the devil himself. My heart stops, all transfers and uploads are cut dead in their tracks. My whole body is suddenly becoming the aftermath of the Ice Age, a wasteland of frozen life, a paradise stuck in an eternity pause. Oh God, I can feel It, I can feel It crawling up my neck, I can feel It. I can feel It crawling on a million tiny feet, digging into my neck with double-sided ice picks, creating a numb battlefield in its path. Eager and hungry It crawls over and into my mouth, over and into my nose, over my blinded eyes, and finally over my entire body. Racing an unknown opponent, it speeds down my body and expands. Condensed it enters, yet as soon as it touches my inside, it expands like a demented child's toy. My whole body is numb now, from toe to head, from outside to inside. God oh God, am I dead? This question floats around in my mind, yet like a feather with no wind it just drops down, as dead as my body. I'm not dead, I'm just here to witness Him come to me. He is right behind me, all my symptoms are done with, yet not over. He comes in with his own light; he drives in from the depths of a fiery town full of the punished and dammed. He comes in with an aura, as black as coal at night, his aura fills the room and makes him visible to me. Here he is standing before me in all His self-proclaimed glory. With bony fingers he scratches my face. His finger dives deep within my skin and penetrates it as clean and precise as a surgeon's knife. My blood seeps out, and they become my tears. My tears slide down my body, slowly but surely and make their way down my iced body. They create their own path, a crimson road across the artic. All the way down they go, until they fall of my knee, diving off, my tears commit suicide and join each other in a pool. Drop after drop the pool gathers until finally, I am cried out. He laughs wickedly, his laughter weighs heavy, a ton of impact and stature. His laughter pounds at my mind; a sonic boom fills my head. His laughter goes in deep, deep into the depths of darkness where man loses all meaning and becomes a monster. He is trying to break me; He is trying to destroy me. His counterpart has frozen me and now he is trying to shatter me with His mere presence. I cry out the heavens to be saved from this floating nightmare yet I go as unanswered as a demons prayers. I try and brace myself, to prepare for an onslaught equal only to Armageddon, yet I cannot, I am still frozen. He finds this amusing, and He chuckles to Himself. A grin stretches painfully across His face, and I see inside Him. He is a swarming mass of tortured souls, a river of chaos, an ocean of depression. He is everything I thought, and He is everything I could never dream of to exist. Slowly, his smile reflects itself, and a frown emerges. From the darkness a distorted clock floats beside him, and he taps it reflectively. I catch the beginnings of a smile from the corners of His mouth, and in the fleeting seconds I feel I have left, he disappears. With his departure, the ice retracts from my body. Feeling like some tube being yanked from my insides, it flies out of my mouth, and drains away in a whirlpool into an invisible drain. Now I'm left alone. Light fills up the room again, and in the distance, I hear the faint chirp of a bird. Day has returned, life has resumed; yet I am still alone in this room. I am strangely saddened that I am alone, for I was not a few seconds ago. Dirty from these thoughts, I stumble to the nearest bath, where I cleanse myself in the empty tub with my tears. I look at the clock on the wall thru my blurred eyes, and a sigh escapes my lips and floats outside to join the masses. I sink into my tub, and let the salted water engulf me. Frightened, I jerk out of my coma and I curl up in the corner. There, with my own water overflowing the tub, I sit and rock away.